Animal Ambassadors
The purpose of our Animal Ambassadors Team is to highlight the complex design of the animal kingdom and point people to the master designer, the God of the Bible.
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. ~Romans 1:20
"Owlex" - Eurasian Eagle Owl
"Steve" - Lanner Falcon

"Cracker" - Green Winged Macaw

"Ellie Mae" - Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo

"Cisco" - Double Yellow-Headed Amazon

"Willow" - Albino Ring-Necked Dove
"Bubbles" - Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman

"Carly" - Eyelash Crested Gecko
"Speleo" - Chinese Cave Gecko
"Goober" - Leachianus Gecko
"Tamale" - Northern Blue Tongued Skink
"Slinky"- Ackie Monitor
"Rigel" - Black & White Tegu
"Big Red" - Bearded Dragon
"Cleaver" - Sulcata Tortoise

"Dingus" - Russian Tortoise
"Noah" - Brazilian Rainbow Boa
"Al Dente" - Ball Python

"Alfredo" - Pied Ball Python

"Porky" - Western Hognose Snake